Who am I?
i'm a creature of the 90s who just wants to feel something again from the internet.
i was fortunate enough to be online as early as 1995, and it quickly became a resource to look up stuff about my favorite things- mostly tamagotchis, nintendo games, and of course pokémon. i remember exploring countless fansites with information ranging from earth shattering to dubious, even to my 10-year-old sensibilities. it was exciting!
in jr. high i began to learn html via neopets, and cut my teeth gussying up my shop and pet pages. my rudimentary graphic design skills budded on pokemon fan community forums, where i got a reputation as a master of MSPaint. though my interests shifted over the years, i've always been a denizen of the internet and have been making things to engage with. from youtube to twitter bots to discord servers, the fun of making a thing and shoving it onto the internet still has a magic.
jump cut years later, that magic is dying. to show my age, i'm blaming social media. i can barely stand using facebook just for the eXtReMeLy EsSeNtIaL work of posting weekly updates for my game dev studio, let alone sift through the hot garbage that my acquaintences have lowered their standards enough to share. twitter has been my drug of choice, but the more i reflect on it, the more i realize that that site just makes me really fking angry on most days, despite the best efforts of the handful of joke and art accounts i follow.
i have no damn clue if this project will have an audience, or, let's be honest with each other, if it's one i'll even keep up with. the inevitable platform entropy of the internet guarantees that even if this does eventually become a footnote in future biographies, i will eventually leave here. but i like what i'm seeing, and it's giving permission to ring the nostalgia bell a whole lot, and that's a tone that in the year of our lord 2022 is the sweetest note. i also feel a sense of freedom to express myself with nuance, without a character limit, and with context, which can only be a healthy thing.
so who am i?
i'm nick. i make music you've never heard and video games you've never heard of. i still think there's beauty in humankind and i advocate peace and being a good fking person. i like getting excited about things and going deep on interests. i don't like the spotlight but i like making a difference. i love efficiency and great ux. and above all, the image compression is very intentional choice.